Gunu Sahni


Gunu Sahni Label is a renowned western wear brand that has taken the fashion industry by storm. Led by Mumbai-based designer Gunu Sahni, the brand has over 15 years of design experience and has worked closely with renowned designers such as Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla.

As the brand has evolved over the last 8 years, it has become a leading pret line with a unique twist. The designs are innovative, capturing a niche market in the fashion industry. The brand has a strong online presence and a loyal customer base.


Reaching a wider audience: While the brand has a loyal customer base, reaching a wider audience can be a challenge. 

Building a following: Building a strong following on social media is crucial for any brand. However, this can be particularly challenging for us.

Creating engaging content: Social media platforms require brands to produce engaging content that resonates with their audience.

Staying up-to-date with social media trends: Social media is a rapidly evolving landscape, and it can be challenging for brands to keep up with the latest trends and changes. 

Executive Strategy

To overcome the challenges faced by Gunu Sahni Label in social media marketing, we planned few strategies. Some of these include:

  1. Identifying the target audience: We identify the target audience. By understanding the audience’s interests, behaviors, and preferences, we develop targeted social media campaigns that resonate with them.
  2. Creating engaging content: We use a mix of photos, videos, and stories that showcase their outfits, and leverage user-generated content to build a sense of community and encourage engagement.
  3. Leveraging influencers/actors : We Collaborated with influencers and fashion bloggers who can help the brand reach a wider audience and build credibility. By partnering with influencers who align with the brand’s values and aesthetics, we amplify their message and drive sales.
  4. Using social media advertising: We use social media advertising for driving traffic and sales. We use targeted social media ads to reach specific demographics, promote specific products, and drive traffic to their website.
  5. Engaging with followers: Engaging with followers is crucial to building a loyal community on social media. We actively respond to comments, repost user-generated content to encourage engagement and build a sense of community.

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